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1 SG (Ret) Aletha C. Calloway
Broad Ripple High School JROTC Instructor 2000-2009
1 SG (Ret)
Aletha C. Calloway
JROTC Scholarship
1 SG (RET) Aletha C. Calloway - JROTC Scholarship Award of Distinction
Broad Ripple High School JROTC Instructor
1. Army Achievement Ribbon
2. Army Commendation Ribbon (2)
3. Army Service Ribbon
4. Good Conduct Ribbon (7)
5. Joint Service Commendation Ribbon 6.Meritorious Service Ribbon (2)
7. National Defense Service Ribbon (2) 8. NCO Professional Development Ribbon (3)
9. Overseas Service Ribbon 10. Who's Who Among America's Teachers 2004-2005
11. JROTC NCO of the Year 2005-2006 12. JROTC NCO of the Year 2015-2016)
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